what is the longitude of town A whose time is 12noon when greenwich time is 6:00pm

6/24 = 1/4

1/4 of the way around the earth, westward of Greenwich England

360/4 = 90 degrees West

Well, I am at 70 on Cape Ann, so about 1200 miles west of me. Mark Twain country.

But why we will take1/4 why not 1/6

To determine the longitude of Town A, we need to calculate the time difference between Town A and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and then convert it into longitude.

Step 1: Calculate the time difference:
Town A is 6 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Since Town A's local time is 12:00 noon when GMT is 6:00 PM, the time difference is 6 hours.

Step 2: Convert the time difference into longitude:
To convert the time difference into longitude, we need to know that there are 24 hours in a complete rotation around the Earth (360 degrees). Therefore, for every hour of time difference, the Earth rotates by 15 degrees longitude.

Since Town A is 6 hours ahead of GMT, we can multiply the time difference by 15 degrees per hour to find the corresponding longitude.

Longitude = Time Difference × 15 degrees/hour
Longitude = 6 hours × 15 degrees/hour
Longitude = 90 degrees

Therefore, the longitude of Town A is 90 degrees.