A ribbon 10 cm 5mm long is to be divided in the ratio 1:4 .Find the length of each part.

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divide into 5 equal parts. Then use 1 part and 4 parts for the lengths.

To divide the ribbon in the ratio 1:4, we need to find the lengths of both parts.

Step 1: Convert 10 cm 5mm to a consistent unit of measurement.
10 cm is equal to 100 mm (since 1 cm = 10 mm).
So, the total length of the ribbon is 100 mm + 5 mm = 105 mm.

Step 2: Find the total number of parts in the ratio.
The ratio 1:4 indicates that there are 1 + 4 = 5 parts in total.

Step 3: Determine the length of each part.
To find the length of the first part, we need to divide the total length by the total number of parts:
Length of first part = (105 mm)/5 = 21 mm.

To find the length of the second part, we multiply the length of the first part by the ratio:
Length of second part = (21 mm) * 4 = 84 mm.

So, the length of the first part is 21 mm and the length of the second part is 84 mm.

To find the length of each part, we first need to convert the given length to a single unit. Since the length is given in centimeters and millimeters, we should convert the millimeters to centimeters for simplicity.

We have a ribbon that is 10 cm (centimeters) and 5 mm (millimeters) long.

To convert 5 mm to cm, we divide it by 10 (since there are 10 mm in 1 cm).

5 mm ÷ 10 = 0.5 cm

Now the length of the ribbon is 10 cm + 0.5 cm = 10.5 cm.

The ratio is 1:4, which means the ribbon will be divided into 5 equal parts (1 + 4 = 5 parts in total). To find the length of each part, we divide the total length of the ribbon by the number of parts.

10.5 cm ÷ 5 = 2.1 cm

Therefore, each part of the ribbon will be 2.1 cm long.