Solve the proportion:

Jose purchased a new pair of jeans from the clearance rack for $41.25. The original price marked was $75. What was the total discount that Jose received in the jeans?

41.25/75 = 0.55 = decimal fraction of original price

0.55 * 100 = 55 % = percent of original price

100 - 55 = 45% = percent discount off original price

Thanks so much

To solve this proportion, we can use the formula:

(initial price - discounted price) / initial price = discount percentage

Let's substitute the given values into the formula.

Initial price = $75
Discounted price = $41.25

Now we can find the proportion:

(75 - 41.25) / 75 = discount percentage

Simplifying the equation:

33.75 / 75 = discount percentage

To find the discount percentage, divide 33.75 by 75:

0.45 = discount percentage

To express this as a percentage, multiply by 100:

0.45 * 100 = 45%

Therefore, Jose received a discount of 45% on the jeans.