18. Which of the following are concerns over the loss of local culture and distinctiveness?

A. Rise of religious fundamentalism
B. Establishment of semi-autonomous communes
C. Promote local languages, religions, and customs
D. Promote a nationalist identity
E. All of the Above

what does this have to do with religious fundamentalism for example?

To determine the correct answer to this question, let's examine each option and determine if it is a concern over the loss of local culture and distinctiveness:

A. Rise of religious fundamentalism: This option may be a concern over the loss of local culture and distinctiveness if religious fundamentalism is seen as a threat to the preservation of local cultural practices and customs.

B. Establishment of semi-autonomous communes: This option may also be a concern, as the establishment of semi-autonomous communes could potentially lead to the isolation or segregation of certain cultural groups, resulting in the loss of local culture and distinctiveness.

C. Promote local languages, religions, and customs: This option actually supports the preservation of local culture and distinctiveness, so it is not a concern but rather a proactive approach to addressing the potential loss of cultural identity.

D. Promote a nationalist identity: While promoting a nationalist identity can strengthen a sense of national pride, it may also overshadow or suppress local cultures and distinctiveness, making it a concern in terms of potential loss.

Based on this analysis, options A, B, and D are all concerns over the loss of local culture and distinctiveness. Option C, on the other hand, is a proposed solution to address this concern.

Therefore, the correct answer is E. "All of the Above," as all the mentioned options can be concerns over the loss of local culture and distinctiveness.