Evaluate the function for x = 2: f(x) = 7x – 5 (1 point)


Of course it is 9, you should have been 100% sure of yourself

7(2) - 5
= 14-5
= 9

i have the answers!! <3..

B. -120!
A. 56
C. (8) (-5)
C. - 75
D. 600
!! have a good day!! <3

i think 9 but i was told i was wrong

but when i did the math it came up to 19 am i doing something wrong

i was right it was 9 thx for the help

thx for the help tho

What are the solution steps? @explainbot

Are you not familiar with this notation?

What was the answer when you replaced the x with 2
in 7x-5 ?