Which cash crops were the most successful in the international interdependence system?

Cotton, corn, squash, hemp
Indigo, cotton, rice, tobacco ***
Indigo, corn, potatoes, rum
Tobacco, corn, rice, pumpkins

I believe you're right.

The most successful cash crops in the international interdependence system were indigo, cotton, rice, and tobacco.

The most successful cash crops in the international interdependence system were indigo, cotton, rice, and tobacco.

To determine the answer, we can look at historical data and the demand for these crops during the time period when the international interdependence system was prominent.

Firstly, indigo was a highly demanded cash crop during the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly in Europe. It was used to produce a deep blue dye that was in high demand for textiles. The British colonies, such as South Carolina, were major producers of indigo during this period.

Secondly, cotton became a crucial cash crop during the industrial revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The mechanization of cotton production, along with the growth of textile industries, created a massive demand for cotton in Europe and North America. Regions like the American South, Egypt, and India became significant cotton producers.

Thirdly, rice has been a highly successful cash crop in many parts of the world, particularly in Asia. It is an essential staple food in many cultures, and there has always been a steady demand for it. Regions like Southeast Asia, India, and parts of Africa have been major rice producers historically.

Lastly, tobacco, particularly Virginia tobacco, has played a significant role in international trade. It became a highly profitable cash crop during the colonial era and after. European markets, especially in Britain, had a high demand for tobacco. The American colonies, particularly Virginia and Maryland, were major producers.

So, based on historical trends and the demand for these crops, it can be concluded that indigo, cotton, rice, and tobacco were the most successful cash crops in the international interdependence system.