1. Though they are a small religious group in India, they control a large percentage of their economy.

A. Hindus
B. Sufis
C. Christians
D. Parsis
E. Jews



I think you're right, but check your text to be sure.

Its C

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and look for clues. We are looking for a small religious group in India that controls a large percentage of their economy. We are given five options: Hindus, Sufis, Christians, Parsis, and Jews.

Let's analyze each option:

A. Hindus: Hindus are the majority religious group in India and they constitute a significant portion of the population. However, the question states that we are looking for a small religious group, so Hindus are unlikely to be the correct answer.

B. Sufis: Sufis are a mystical Islamic group present in India. While they may have some influence, they are not known for controlling a large percentage of the Indian economy. Therefore, Sufis are also unlikely to be the correct answer.

C. Christians: Christians form a minority religious group in India. However, they do not have a significant presence in terms of controlling a large percentage of the Indian economy. Therefore, we can eliminate Christians as the correct answer.

D. Parsis: Parsis are a small religious community in India, primarily known for their contributions to business and industry. They have historically played a significant role in the Indian economy, with prominent members in industries such as textiles, chemicals, and finance. Therefore, Parsis could be a potential answer.

E. Jews: The Jewish population in India is relatively small, and they have made notable contributions in various fields. However, they are not known to control a large percentage of the Indian economy.

Based on the analysis, the most plausible answer is D. Parsis. However, it is always important to do further research to confirm the accuracy of the answer.