Nikki and her family are traveling to Geneva for winter holiday, and it is going to be cold! Today’s forecast says that Geneva is 12

C colder than Nikki's hometown.
Using the information in the table below, select Nikki's hometown.
City Temperature
Geneva -3C
Miami 23c
San Francisco 9c

Quebec City -15c

its the same as San Francisco.

The answer is san francisco.

this is a cool site thanks for your help.And everyone who has contributed to helping us.

-3 + (-12) = ?


San Francisco
Quebec City


To determine Nikki's hometown, we need to find a city with a temperature that is 12 degrees Celsius warmer than Geneva's -3 degrees Celsius.

Looking at the information in the table, we can see that none of the temperatures match this requirement. However, since Nikki's family is traveling to Geneva for winter holiday, it is safe to assume that Nikki's hometown must be even colder than -3 degrees Celsius.

Among the given cities, Quebec City has the lowest temperature of -15 degrees Celsius. Therefore, based on this information, Nikki's hometown is likely Quebec City.