His pompous behavior irritated his friends, especially since his accomplishments were few and far between.

a. sheepish
b. arrogant
c. passive
d. abrasive
I believe its A?

The answer is B.

You can simply google "pompous" synonyms for you answer.

Actually, the correct answer is not A. To find the correct answer, we need to understand the meaning of the sentence. The sentence states that the person's behavior was pompous, which means they displayed excessive self-importance or arrogance. Additionally, it mentions that the person's accomplishments were few and far between, suggesting that they had little to show for their arrogance.

Out of the given options, the word that best fits these characteristics is "b. arrogant." Arrogant means having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities, which aligns with the description of the person's behavior in the sentence.

The other options do not accurately describe the person's behavior. "Sheepish" means being embarrassed or lacking confidence, which contradicts the person's pompous behavior. "Passive" means lacking in action or response, which does not relate to the person's behavior described in the sentence. "Abrasive" means harsh or rough in manner, which does not specifically imply arrogance.

So, the correct answer is indeed b. arrogant.