Based on the map, which city would be best for a shipping port?

A. Fort Panmure
B. Fort Toulouse
C. New Orleans
D. St. Marks

Is the answer C?

theres no map..

ok thanks for helping. I cant get the picture to upload. What would you say that your best answer is though without the map?

New Orleans is sure a busy port. I don't know about the other places.

Back in the early 1700's?


ok thanks so much.

To determine which city would be the best for a shipping port based on the map, we need to consider a few factors. Firstly, we should assess the proximity of each city to a major body of water or river that connects to a larger waterway. Secondly, we should evaluate if any of the cities are located near an existing or potential trade route.

Looking at the given options, we can see that Fort Panmure and Fort Toulouse are not located near any major bodies of water or rivers. Therefore, they are less likely to be ideal for a shipping port.

New Orleans, on the other hand, is situated along the Mississippi River, which is a major river that connects to the Gulf of Mexico. This location would provide easy access to trade routes and international waters, making it a strong contender for a shipping port.

St. Marks, although located on the coast of Florida, does not appear to have a major river nearby for easy transportation. Therefore, it may not be the best choice for a shipping port compared to New Orleans.

So, based on these considerations, the most suitable option for a shipping port would indeed be C. New Orleans.