Convert the temperature 1.49677×109 ◦C to

Kelvin (correct to 3 significant digits).
Answer in units of K.

all you have to do is add 273.15 to get the K temperature.

That's not going to make much difference in 10^9 degrees.


To convert a temperature from degrees Celsius to Kelvin, you need to add 273.15 (approximately) to the temperature value. Here's how you can do it:

1. Take the temperature in degrees Celsius: 1.49677×10^9°C.
2. Add 273.15 to the temperature value:
1.49677×10^9 + 273.15 = 1.496770273.15×10^9.

Since the conversion has to be correct to 3 significant digits, you need to express the result in scientific notation and round it to three significant figures.

3. Write the result in scientific notation:
1.496770273.15×10^9 = 1.497×10^9.

Therefore, the temperature 1.49677×10^9°C is equivalent to 1.497×10^9 K (correct to 3 significant digits).