Identify the sequence...

3,888, 216, 12, 2/3...

a. arithmetic
b. geometric
c. neither
d. both

I got d, both. Because, you can divide 18 and 1/18. Is that right? Thanks anyone who answers. I'd very much appreciate that. :-]

Sorry, I have to know right away, I'm taking a test that times me. Thanks!

Looks like (d) to me

no constant difference
no constant ratio

Oops. I meant (c)

To identify the sequence, we need to determine if it is an arithmetic or geometric sequence.

An arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which the difference between consecutive terms is constant. In other words, if we subtract any term from the next term, we will always get the same value.

A geometric sequence, on the other hand, is a sequence in which each term is obtained by multiplying the preceding term by a constant value called the common ratio. Similarly, if we divide any term by the previous term, the result should always be the same.

Let's examine the given sequence: 3, 888, 216, 12, 2/3.

First, let's check if the sequence is an arithmetic sequence. We subtract the numbers consecutively:

888 - 3 = 885,
216 - 888 = -672,
12 - 216 = -204,
2/3 - 12 = -10 and 2/3,

As we can see, the differences are not constant. Therefore, the sequence is not arithmetic.

Now, let's check if the sequence is a geometric sequence. We divide the numbers consecutively:

888 ÷ 3 = 296,
216 ÷ 888 ≈ 0.243,
12 ÷ 216 ≈ 0.056,
(2/3) ÷ 12 ≈ 0.0556,

Again, the ratios obtained are not the same throughout the sequence. Hence, the sequence is not geometric either.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) neither. The given sequence does not follow a specific arithmetic or geometric pattern.