During last week's visit to this same pear tree, Pete ate 3 times as many pears as Tweet, and Tweet ate 5 fewer pears than Honk. If together the boys ate 25 pears, how many pears did Honk eat during last week's visit?


To solve this problem, let's start by assigning some variables:

Let's say the number of pears Honk ate is H.
Since Tweet ate 5 fewer pears than Honk, the number of pears Tweet ate is (H - 5).
And since Pete ate 3 times as many pears as Tweet, Pete ate (3 * (H - 5)) pears.

Now, we are given that together the boys ate 25 pears.
So, we can write the equation: H + (H - 5) + 3 * (H - 5) = 25.

Simplifying this equation, we get: H + H - 5 + 3H - 15 = 25.
Combining like terms, we have: 5H - 20 = 25.
Adding 20 to both sides of the equation, we get: 5H = 45.
Dividing both sides by 5, we find: H = 9.

Therefore, Honk ate 9 pears during last week's visit.