I know you already provided a website link for me, but I still don't know how to answer the following question.

How did the policy of appeasement affect France and Great Britain?

(This was preceding World War II, in which the two countries agreed to Hitler's demands.)

They both believed that they may be safe because Hitler might be satisfied with conquering Czechoslovakia.

To answer the question, "How did the policy of appeasement affect France and Great Britain?", you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the concept of appeasement: In the context of pre-World War II history, appeasement refers to the policy of giving in to the demands of aggressive nations in order to maintain peace, rather than resorting to military conflict.

2. Research the historical events: Look for information about the specific acts of appeasement that France and Great Britain undertook in response to Hitler's demands. This may include events such as the Munich Agreement in 1938, when France and Great Britain agreed to Hitler's demands for territory, hoping to avoid war.

3. Analyze the consequences: Consider the effects of appeasement on France and Great Britain. Did it achieve its intended goals of maintaining peace? Did it strengthen Hitler's position and embolden further aggression? Did it damage the reputation or security of the appeasing nations?

4. Consult reliable sources: Look for reputable historical sources, such as books, academic journals, or credible websites, that provide analysis or firsthand accounts of the impact of appeasement on France and Great Britain.

5. Draw conclusions: Based on your research and analysis, form an answer to the question using the information you have gathered. Consider the political, diplomatic, and military consequences of the policy of appeasement and how it affected France and Great Britain in the lead-up to World War II.

Remember, historical analysis often involves multiple perspectives, so it's important to consider different viewpoints and evaluate the credibility of your sources.