What is the frequency of a pendulum that completes 40 cycles in 8 minutes?

40 cycles / (8*60 seconds)

= .083 Hz

0.8 man!

5.00 Hz

2.00 Hz

0.08 Hz

0.02 Hz

To find the frequency of a pendulum, we can use the formula:

Frequency (f) = (Number of cycles) / (Time taken)

In this case, the given number of cycles is 40, and the time taken is 8 minutes.

Substituting these values into the formula:

Frequency (f) = 40 cycles / 8 minutes

To simplify the calculation, we convert the time from minutes to seconds since frequency is typically measured in Hertz (Hz) which represents cycles per second:

Frequency (f) = 40 cycles / (8 minutes × 60 seconds/1 minute)
Frequency (f) = 40 cycles / 480 seconds

Calculating further:

Frequency (f) = 0.0833 cycles/second

Rounding off to an appropriate number of decimal places:

Frequency (f) ≈ 0.08 Hz

Therefore, the frequency of the pendulum that completes 40 cycles in 8 minutes is approximately 0.08 Hz.