'when Mary is late coming home from work,john decides that it is because she lost interst in their relationship.this situation illustrates the blank effect'

What does your text say? What do you think?

Agree with Reed, but HAPPY NEW YEAR anyway.

The situation described in the question reflects the attribution effect.

The attribution effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals attribute the behavior of others to their internal characteristics rather than considering external factors that may have influenced their actions. In this case, John is assuming that Mary's late arrival from work is because she has lost interest in their relationship, without considering any other possibilities such as traffic or work-related issues.

To understand the attribution effect, one can refer to social psychology research or theories. One well-known theory is the fundamental attribution error, which suggests that people tend to attribute others' behavior to their personal characteristics rather than situational factors. This bias can often lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

To learn more about the attribution effect and related concepts, you can consult psychology textbooks, research articles, or online resources that explore social cognition and cognitive biases.