Score 1,Score 2 and Score 3 are the marks scored by a student in three tests. Write a pseudo code,an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find the average of best two score

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Pseudo code:

1. Read the values of Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3.
2. Find the maximum of Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3.
3. Assign the maximum value to a variable 'max_score'.
4. Find the minimum of Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3.
5. Assign the minimum value to a variable 'min_score'.
6. Calculate the sum of Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3.
7. Subtract the 'min_score' from the sum calculated in the previous step.
8. Divide the result obtained in step 7 by 2 to get the average of the best two scores.
9. Output the average of the best two scores.

1. Input Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3.
2. max_score = maximum of Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3.
3. min_score = minimum of Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3.
4. sum = Score 1 + Score 2 + Score 3.
5. average = (sum - min_score) / 2.
6. Output average.

(Start) (Input Score 1, Score 2, and Score 3)
\ \
\ \
[Calculate max_score]
\ \
\ \
[Calculate min_score]
\ \
\ \
[Calculate sum] [Calculate average]
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /
(Output average)