Suppose that a plumbing repair bill, not including tax, was $120. This included $25 for parts and an amount for 2 hours of labor. Find the hourly rate that was charged for labor.

2x = 120 - 25

Solve for x.





To find the hourly rate charged for labor, we need to divide the total labor cost by the number of hours worked.

Given that the total bill was $120 and it included $25 for parts, we can find the labor cost by subtracting the cost of parts from the total bill:

Labor cost = Total bill - Cost of parts
Labor cost = $120 - $25
Labor cost = $95

We also know that the labor cost includes 2 hours of work.

To find the hourly rate, we divide the labor cost by the number of hours:

Hourly rate = Labor cost / Number of hours
Hourly rate = $95 / 2
Hourly rate = $47.50

Therefore, the hourly rate that was charged for labor is $47.50.