K is 9 years older than L after 7 years the total of their age is 93 so how old are they in each one of them?

Your lack of punctuation and poor sentence structure makes this question ambiguous.

e.g. Did you mean:
"K is 9 years older than L. After 7 years the total of their age is 93."
"K is 9 years older than L after 7 years. The total of their age is 93."

We would have two different solutions.

I will assume you meant the first.

L's current age --- x
K's currrent age --- x+9

Seven years from now:
L' age is x+7
K's age is x+9 + 7 = x + 16

x + x+16 = 93
2x = 77
x = 38.5
L is now 38.5 and K is now 47.5 years old

Your question of "so how old are they in each one of them?" makes no sense to me.