if you anticipate strong economic market conditions, you may want to __________ .

A. shift more funds to bond mutual funds
B. allocate more to cash
C. shift more funds to bonds
D. shift more funds to stocks

Is A correct


To determine the correct answer, you would need to understand the relationship between strong economic market conditions and different investment options. Let's break down the options and analyze them:

A. Shifting more funds to bond mutual funds: Bond mutual funds are considered less risky compared to stocks. During strong economic market conditions, investors may anticipate higher interest rates, which can negatively impact bond prices. Therefore, it might not be the most suitable option.

B. Allocating more to cash: Holding cash can be a conservative approach during uncertain or volatile market conditions. However, in strong economic market conditions, where growth is expected, keeping too much in cash might result in missed investment opportunities.

C. Shifting more funds to bonds: Bonds are generally considered less risky than stocks but carry some degree of risk. During strong economic market conditions, bond prices may be affected by rising interest rates. However, if an investor is looking for a relatively safer option with more stable returns compared to stocks, shifting more funds to bonds could be a reasonable choice.

D. Shifting more funds to stocks: Stocks have the potential for higher returns but also entail more market risk. During strong economic market conditions, stocks tend to perform well. Therefore, if an investor is willing to take on more risk in pursuit of potentially greater returns, shifting more funds to stocks could be an appropriate decision.

Based on the analysis, D. shift more funds to stocks appears to be the more suitable option when anticipating strong economic market conditions. However, it's important to note that investment decisions should be made based on an individual's risk tolerance, investment goals, and overall financial situation.