In which of the following ways can a population grow?

a. migration***
b. marriage
c. distribution
d. death

To determine which of the given options represents a way for a population to grow, we need to consider the definition of population growth. Population growth refers to an increase in the number of individuals in a particular population over a defined period of time.

Now, let's analyze each option one by one:

a. Migration: Migration refers to the movement of individuals from one place to another. While migration may affect the size and composition of a population, it does not necessarily lead to population growth. In some instances, migration can result in a decrease in population size if more individuals leave than arrive. Therefore, migration is not a direct method of population growth.

b. Marriage: While marriage may be associated with population growth indirectly by potentially leading to childbirth and the addition of new individuals to the population, marriage itself is not a direct cause of population growth.

c. Distribution: Distribution refers to the arrangement or spread of individuals within a population. Although distribution affects how individuals are spaced and their accessibility to resources, it does not directly contribute to population growth.

d. Death: Death, on the other hand, represents a decrease in population size rather than population growth.

Based on this analysis, the only option that directly corresponds to population growth is migration (option a). Migration can lead to an increase in population size if more individuals arrive in a population than leave.
