chose the meaning that best matches the word in italics. many actors avoid playing superheroes because they fear the ********stereotype******** that comes with success in the role.

a label b popularity c persona d restrictions

Its not B, its A

And you think it's ... ?

Really! Which one is it?!

OMG whats the answer are you are going to sit here and fight or get smarter to resist fighting.

I think it's b

The meaning that best matches the word "stereotype" in this context is (a) label.

To determine the meaning, let's break it down:

In this sentence, the word "stereotype" refers to "a widely held but oversimplified and generalized idea or image of a particular type of person or thing." In the context of actors avoiding playing superheroes, it suggests that there is a preconceived notion or expectation associated with playing such roles, which the actors fear being labeled or categorized under.

To find the meaning of an unfamiliar word, you can use several strategies:

1. Contextual clues: Look for other words and phrases in the sentence or the surrounding sentences that can provide hints about the word's meaning. In this case, the phrase "that comes with success in the role" suggests that the "stereotype" is something negative or undesirable.

2. Dictionary: You can also consult a dictionary to find the meaning of a word. Online dictionaries, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary, provide definitions, examples, and additional information about word usage.

By combining contextual clues, such as understanding the fear associated with the word "stereotype" in this context, and using a dictionary to verify its definition, you can confidently determine the correct meaning.

What did you call me Anonymous

Yooooooooo duuuuude

its a shnoob