Arrange increasing rates of diffusion H2 CO CO2 N2 He O2 SO2

Subject is chemistry. Unless you call it MEKELLE in your country, the rest of the world calls it chemistry.

Yeah! U ar awesome dude

To arrange the substances in increasing rates of diffusion, we need to consider the factors affecting diffusion. The rate of diffusion is influenced by several factors, including molecular size, temperature, and the presence of a concentration gradient.

The general rule is that smaller molecules diffuse faster than larger molecules. So, we can start by comparing the sizes of the molecules in the given list.

The molecular sizes of the elements and compounds you mentioned, arranged from smallest to largest, are as follows:

He < H2 < N2 < O2 < CO < CO2 < SO2

Now, let's consider temperature. Diffusion occurs faster at higher temperatures because increased molecular motion leads to more collisions and faster movement of particles. However, since the given list does not specify the temperature conditions, we will focus solely on molecular size.

Based on the molecular sizes provided above, the substances can be arranged in increasing rates of diffusion as follows:

He > H2 > N2 > O2 > CO > CO2 > SO2

Therefore, helium (He) would diffuse the fastest, followed by hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and finally sulfur dioxide (SO2), which would have the slowest rate of diffusion among the given substances.