Anxiety is to test as procrastination is to:

A. online learning.

B. time management.

C. goal setting.

D. reading.

my answer is B

That may be the best answer, yes.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the relationship between anxiety and a test. Anxiety often accompanies tests because of the pressure and uncertainty associated with them. With this understanding, we can identify a similar relationship between procrastination and one of the answer choices.

Procrastination refers to the act of delaying or postponing tasks, often due to feeling overwhelmed or avoiding the pressure associated with them. To establish a parallel relationship, we need to find an option that represents a similar connection.

Among the given options, "B. time management" is the most suitable choice. This is because procrastination is often a result of poor time management skills or difficulty prioritizing tasks. Just as anxiety arises from tests, procrastination can arise from poor time management.

So, the correct answer is B. time management.