what is the sale price for a video game that was originally priced at $59.99 and now is 10% off.

1 50.99
2 53.99
3 55.24
4 58.99

Calculate the interest earned on a saving account with 660.00 that is invested at 3.5% annual simple interest for 5 years
1 23.10
2 26.40
3 69.30
4 115.50

My awsers

Both are correct

0.9 * 59.99 = 53.99

5 * .035 * 660 = 115.50


To calculate the sale price of a video game that is initially priced at $59.99 and now has a 10% discount, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the discount percentage to a decimal: 10% = 0.10.
2. Multiply the original price by the discount decimal: $59.99 * 0.10 = $5.99.
3. Subtract the discount from the original price to find the sale price: $59.99 - $5.99 = $54.00.

Therefore, the correct answer for the sale price of the video game is not one of the options you mentioned. The correct answer is $54.00.

To calculate the interest earned on a savings account with $660.00 invested at 3.5% annual simple interest for 5 years, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the annual interest rate to a decimal: 3.5% = 0.035.
2. Multiply the principal amount (initial investment) by the interest rate and the time period: $660.00 * 0.035 * 5 = $115.50.

Therefore, the correct answer for the interest earned on the savings account is option 4, $115.50.