Does the paragraph show both preterito and imperfecto.

Cuando yo tenia unos diez anos yo solia pertenecer a Girl Scouts. Nos conocimos una vez a la semana old miercoles en son Iglesia del barrio. Nos enteramos de la peoniesa, la artesania, la religion, ayudar a los menos afortunados. Vendi galletas con mis amigos en el clima frio. Era importante ganar Girl Scouts insignias. Estate aparte de este grupo moldeado mid valores como una chica joven.

Ps. I tried

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.

Thank you

Yes it does, imperfecto: tenía, solía, era; pretérito: conocimos, enteramos, vendí.

Yes, the paragraph uses both preterite (preterito) and imperfect (imperfecto) tenses. Here is a breakdown of the verb conjugations in each tense:

Preterite (preterito):
- "Tenia" (imperfect of "tener") is used to express that the speaker used to have something.
- "Solía pertenecer" (imperfect of "soler" and preterite of "pertenecer") is used to indicate a habitual action in the past.
- "Nos conocimos" (preterite of "conocer") is used to indicate a specific moment in the past when the speaker and the others in the Girl Scouts group met for the first time.

Imperfect (imperfecto):
- "Conocíamos" (imperfect of "conocer") is used to indicate a habitual action in the past.
- "Nos enterábamos" (imperfect of "enterarse") is used to describe a continuous action in the past of gaining knowledge or finding out about something.
- "Ayudar" (imperfect of "ayudar") is used to express the general idea of helping others regularly.
- "Vendía" (imperfect of "vender") is used to indicate a habitual action in the past.
- "Era" (imperfect of "ser") is used to describe a state or condition in the past.
- "Ganar" (infinitive form of the verb "to win") is used to express the general idea of winning badges in the Girl Scouts.
- "Moldeaba" (imperfect of "moldear") is used to describe an ongoing action of shaping or forming values in the past.

Overall, the paragraph employs both the preterite and imperfect tenses to provide a mix of specific actions or events in the past (preterite) and ongoing or habitual actions in the past (imperfect).