Sharecropping and tenant farming developed as a result of


Are these your choices?

A. - Laws in Georgia that required freedmen to work for former masters
B. - Former slaves needing homes and jobs, and landowners needing farmers
C. - Segregation laws
D. - Increased opportunities for freedmen to own land

What is your answer?

Am I allowed to guess ? :)

it's B

That would have been my guess.

Sharecropping and tenant farming developed as a result of changes in the economic and social landscape following the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery. These agricultural systems emerged particularly in the southern United States, where plantation owners needed a labor force to work the land after freeing their enslaved workers.

To understand the development of sharecropping and tenant farming, it is essential to recognize the context of the time. With the end of slavery, former slaves were seeking opportunities for work and land ownership, while plantation owners were in need of labor to work their farms. The transition from slavery to a new labor system led to the emergence of sharecropping and tenant farming.

Sharecropping is a system in which a landowner allows a tenant to use their land in return for a share of the crops produced. Typically, the landowner would provide land, seeds, tools, and sometimes even housing for the tenant. In return, the tenant would work the land, plant and harvest crops, and give a portion of the harvest to the landowner as payment for their use of the land.

Tenant farming, on the other hand, involves a similar arrangement where a tenant rents the land and pays the landowner in either cash or a share of the crop. Unlike sharecropping, tenant farmers usually provided their own tools, seeds, and other resources to work the land. The tenant would have more control over the crops they grew and would typically give the landowner a fixed rent or a predetermined portion of the harvest.

These systems developed due to the limited options available to both former slaves and landowners after the Civil War. For former slaves, sharecropping and tenant farming offered an opportunity to work the land, earn a living, and potentially become independent landowners in the future. It provided them with a chance to have some control over their work and livelihood, although they still faced exploitation and oppressive conditions. For landowners, these systems enabled them to continue farming their land without having to pay for labor wages directly, as their tenants would work the land in exchange for a portion of the harvest.

To summarize, sharecropping and tenant farming developed in response to the changing social and economic conditions following the abolition of slavery. They emerged as labor systems that allowed former slaves to work the land and landowners to maintain agricultural production. While these systems offered some opportunities for economic advancement for former slaves, they also perpetuated a cycle of poverty and exploitation.