Critical thinking involves

a)knowing the art of critique
b)understanding knowledge
c)a thought process that is logical ,rational and systematic
d)coming up with the best solutions
My answer is B

I disagree.

What do your text materials say?

What is critical thinking and why is it important? Critical thinking according to Paul and Elder (2008) is "that mode of thinking – about any subject, content, or problem – in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully taking charge of the structures inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards upon them."; Critical thinking includes the ability to understand, conceptualize, analyze, and evaluate information in order to solve a problem.

When defining critical thinking, the National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking (1987) lists the intellectual standards of clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.

A critical thinker is someone whoAsks vital questions and raises issues, formulating them clearly and precisely.
Collects and evaluates information that is relevant, interprets it effectively, arrives at conclusions, provides solutions that are well-reasoned, and tests them against established criteria and standards.
Is open-minded to alternative ideas and ways of thinking, questioning assumptions and implications.
Is able to communicate with and work with others, figuring out solutions to complex problems.


Thank you for posting this.

The author is telling the reader that critical thinking involves a thought process that is logical and rational.

thank you again :)

You're very welcome.

Critical thinking does involve understanding knowledge, but it encompasses more than just that. Critical thinking is a thought process that involves evaluating information, analyzing arguments, and making reasoned judgments. It goes beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge and focuses on the ability to think logically, rationally, and systematically.

To arrive at the correct answer, let's break down the options:

a) Knowing the art of critique: While being able to critique is a component of critical thinking, it alone doesn't encompass the entirety of critical thinking.

b) Understanding knowledge: This option implies that critical thinking solely involves understanding knowledge. While understanding knowledge is important, critical thinking goes beyond that by evaluating and applying that knowledge in a logical and systematic manner.

c) A thought process that is logical, rational, and systematic: This option correctly describes a crucial aspect of critical thinking. It involves thinking in a systematic and logical manner, using rationality to assess arguments and evidence.

d) Coming up with the best solutions: While critical thinking can lead to the identification of effective solutions, it focuses more on the process of evaluating and analyzing information than on solely providing the best solutions.

Considering these points, option C, "a thought process that is logical, rational, and systematic," is the most accurate choice.