Which one of the following is a benefit of transforming to a virtual organization?

The following what?

Production Increases

Transforming to a virtual organization offers several benefits, including:

1. Cost savings: As virtual organizations often eliminate the need for physical office space and infrastructure, businesses can save money on rent, utilities, furniture, and other related expenses.

2. Global access to talent: By going virtual, companies can tap into a global talent pool, allowing them to find the best workers regardless of their geographical location. This can lead to greater diversity and expertise within the organization.

3. Increased productivity: Virtual organizations often provide flexible work arrangements, allowing employees to work from anywhere at any time. This can lead to increased productivity, as workers can set their own schedules and work when they are most focused and motivated.

4. Improved work-life balance: Virtual organizations enable employees to have a better work-life balance by granting them more control over their time and reducing commute time. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and employee retention.

5. Reduced environmental impact: With virtual organizations, there is a decreased need for commuting and physical office spaces, resulting in a lower carbon footprint and environmental impact.

To determine which one of the benefits listed above is the most significant, it is subjective and depends on the organization's specific goals and circumstances.