taylor bought some shirts for her clothing store for $12 each. She received $40 off her entire purchase and spent a total of $200. Write an equation to find the number of shirts Taylor purchased for her store.


To write an equation, let's break down the problem.

Let's assume that Taylor bought 'x' number of shirts for her clothing store.

Each shirt costs $12, so the total cost of 'x' shirts would be 12x dollars.

She received a discount of $40 off her entire purchase, so the new total cost after deducting the discount would be 12x - 40 dollars.

The total amount Taylor spent on all the shirts is $200.

So, putting all the information together, we can write the equation:

12x - 40 = 200

This equation represents the relationship between the number of shirts (x) and the total cost after deducting the discount.