explain why dallas and fort worth are not on this map

in 1836

When were each of these cities founded?

Dallas and Fort Worth may not be on a particular map for several reasons. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Scale or Level of Detail: Depending on the scale of the map or the specific purpose for which it was created, some cities may be omitted in order to prioritize other information. Large metropolitan areas like Dallas-Fort Worth can be quite extensive, and a map may choose to include only the most significant cities or landmarks.

2. Selective Focus: Maps often have a specific focus, such as showing natural features, transportation networks, or political boundaries. In this case, the map might not have been designed to showcase cities, and therefore, Dallas and Fort Worth were not included.

3. Geographic Limitations: Some maps have a confined area of coverage, for example, a city map, state map, or regional map. If Dallas and Fort Worth fall outside of that specific geographic range, they may not be present on the map.

To ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of a specific map and its omissions, it's always helpful to check the map title, legend, or any accompanying information. It may provide insights into the purpose and scope of the map, helping clarify why certain cities are excluded. If you need a map that includes Dallas and Fort Worth, you can search for a more detailed map of the region or use online map applications that allow zooming and customization.