Mary can run a mule in 11.2 minutes. How long will it take her to run 9.5 miles at that speed?

9.5 * 11.2 = ?

Is this correct 106.4

Yes. It will take her 106.4 minutes or 1.7733 hours to run that distance.

Thank you Ms. Sue 😊

You're welcome, Amy.

To determine how long it will take Mary to run 9.5 miles at a speed of 11.2 minutes per mile, we can set up a proportion.

A proportion is an equation where two ratios are equal. In this case, the ratios are the time it takes Mary to run a certain distance and the distance itself.

Let's assume that x represents the time it will take Mary to run 9.5 miles. We can set up the proportion as follows:

11.2 minutes / 1 mile = x minutes / 9.5 miles

To solve for x, we can use cross-multiplication:

11.2 minutes * 9.5 miles = x minutes * 1 mile

106.4 minutes = x

So, it will take Mary approximately 106.4 minutes to run 9.5 miles at a speed of 11.2 minutes per mile.