Create an image depicting a small pathway surrounded by birch trees bending to the left and right. There are cobwebs glistening in the sun's warmth causing the surroundings to shimmer like crystal. In the distance, a figure is shown in a dreamlike state, signifying the nostalgia attached. The overall tone of the image should reflect the subtle nostalgia. The scenery is in the middle of spring, making the environment vibrant and full of colors. Make sure the image remains text-free.

1.which line from the poem "Briches" best develops it's nostalgic tone?

A."And so I dream of going back to be."
B."When I see birches bend to left and right"
C."Where your face burns and tickles with the cobwebs"
D."Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells"

The answer is A

"And so I dream of going back to be"

Sorry I made a typo. #1 should say "Birches" not "Briches".

and I think the answer for #1 is D, please correct me if im wrong

Yes. A is correct. It evokes a nostalgic mood.

The definition of nostalgic is "characterized by or exhibiting feelings of nostalgia."

so if there's a better answer than D then my next prediction is C because it shows feelings. Ms. Sue am I correct this time?

"a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations"

A because it say "back to be" and "back" represents the past. am I correct Ms.Sue

Thanks for the typo correction.

Considering the meaning of "nostalgic," I think there's a better answer than D.


Which of your choices develops a tone of the past?

To determine which line from the poem "Birches" best develops its nostalgic tone, we need to understand the meaning and tone of each line and then assess which one evokes a sense of nostalgia the most.

Let's examine each line:

A. "And so I dream of going back to be."
This line expresses the speaker's desire to go back to a previous state or time. It suggests a longing or nostalgia for the past, which contributes to a nostalgic tone.

B. "When I see birches bend to left and right."
This line describes a visual observation of birch trees bending in different directions. While this line does not directly create a nostalgic tone, it sets the scene for a reflection on the past, which can contribute to a nostalgic mood.

C. "Where your face burns and tickles with the cobwebs."
This line appeals to the senses, describing the physical sensation of a face being touched by cobwebs. Although it may not directly evoke nostalgia, it creates a vivid image that draws the reader into the experience, setting the stage for nostalgic reflections.

D. "Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells."
This line describes the effect of the sun's warmth on birch trees, causing ice or frost to melt off them. While it doesn't necessarily contribute to a nostalgic tone on its own, it hints at changes over time and the contrast between past and present, which can evoke nostalgia.

After analyzing each line, we can conclude that option A. "And so I dream of going back to be" best develops the nostalgic tone of the poem. This line directly expresses a longing to return to a previous state or time, capturing the essence of nostalgia.

So -- what is nostalgia?