Let Vector "A" Cross With Vector "B" Equal To Ten,then Find (A+B) Cross With (A-B) ?

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(A+B)x(A-B) = AxA + BxA - AxB - BxB

= BxA - AxB
= -2(AxB)

But, AxB is a vector, not a scalar. You have a glitch in there somewhere.

To find the cross product of vectors (A + B) and (A - B), we need to calculate the cross product separately for (A + B) and (A - B) and then subtract one from the other.

The cross product of two vectors (let's say Vector C and Vector D) is calculated using the following formula:
C x D = |C| |D| sin(theta) n

- C x D represents the cross product of vectors C and D.
- |C| and |D| represent the magnitudes (or lengths) of vectors C and D, respectively.
- sin(theta) represents the sine of the angle (theta) between vectors C and D.
- n represents the unit vector normal to the plane formed by vectors C and D.

Now, let's apply this formula to calculate the cross products for (A + B) and (A - B).

Given that the cross product of Vector A and Vector B is 10, we have:
A x B = 10

First, let's calculate (A + B):
(A + B) x (A - B) = (A x A) - (A x B) + (B x A) - (B x B)

Since the cross product of a vector with itself is zero, (A x A) and (B x B) will be zero.

So, the formula simplifies to:
(A + B) x (A - B) = - (A x B) + (B x A)

Since we know that A x B = 10, the equation becomes:
(A + B) x (A - B) = -10 + (B x A)

To find (B x A), we note that the cross product is anti-commutative, meaning that the order of vectors matters. It can be written as:
(B x A) = -(A x B)

Therefore, the equation simplifies further to:
(A + B) x (A - B) = -10 - (A x B)

Since A x B = 10, the equation becomes:
(A + B) x (A - B) = -10 - 10
= -20

Hence, the cross product of (A + B) and (A - B) is -20.