which lines are parallel y=6;y=6x+5;y=6x-7;y=-8

y=6x+5 and y=6x-7

These to lines are parallel because they have the same slope. y=6 and y=-8 doesn't even have a slope so they are not related.

If it was y=6x+5 and y=-1/6x-7, then the two equations would be perpendicular because they are opposite reciprocals.


The lines y=6, y=6x+5, and y=6x-7 are parallel because they all have the same slope, which is 6.

To determine which lines are parallel to each other, we need to compare their slopes. Parallel lines have the same slope.

1. y = 6: This is a horizontal line with a slope of 0 since it is a constant value and doesn't change.

2. y = 6x + 5: This is a line in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) where the slope is 6.

3. y = 6x - 7: This line is also in slope-intercept form with a slope of 6.

4. y = -8: This line is a horizontal line with a slope of 0.

Comparing the slopes, we see that lines 2 and 3 (y = 6x + 5 and y = 6x - 7) have the same slope of 6. Thus, these two lines are parallel to each other.