The last part of the Declaration of Independence contains a list of complaints the colonists had against King George. Which of the following best describes an economic complaint the colonists had toward the king?

A)He cut off trade.
B)He took away colonial laws.
C)He protected British soldiers from punishment.
D)He refused to make laws for the good of the people**
Is it D?

What is it? :)

what is the answer?

How is D an economic complaint?

Oh ok then would it be B?

Yes, it is correct. Option D) "He refused to make laws for the good of the people" best describes an economic complaint that the colonists had against King George in the Declaration of Independence.

To determine this, you can refer to the last part of the Declaration of Independence, known as the "Bill of Particulars" or "Indictment," where the specific grievances or complaints against King George III are mentioned. These complaints reflect the dissatisfaction of the colonists, leading to their desire for independence.

In this section, the economic complaint is primarily reflected in the grievances related to the King's refusal to make laws that would benefit the people. The colonists believed that King George III was neglecting his responsibility to enact fair and just economic policies that would support the colonists' prosperity. This was seen as a hindrance to their economic growth and well-being.

Nope. You've had two guesses. You're on your own now. You might want to read your text materials instead of just guessing.

No worries I know what it is now.