Jonathan burns 15 calories per minute he runs on the treadmill Jonathan ran 5 minutes on Monday 12 minutes on Tuesday and 8 minutes on Wednesday which integer represents the amount of calories burned during his workouts

(5 + 12 + 8) * 15 = _______ calories

First you add what's in the () and then times it by 15. (5+12+8)=25×15=375

Jonathan burns 15 calories for every minute he runs on the treadmill. Jonathan ran for 5 minutes on Monday, 12 minutes on Tuesday and 8 months on Wednesday. How many total calories did he burn during his workout

To find the total amount of calories burned during Jonathan's workouts, we need to calculate the sum of the calories burned on each day.

On Monday, Jonathan ran for 5 minutes, so he burned 15 x 5 = 75 calories.
On Tuesday, he ran for 12 minutes, so he burned 15 x 12 = 180 calories.
On Wednesday, he ran for 8 minutes, so he burned 15 x 8 = 120 calories.

To find the total calories burned, we add up the calories burned on each day: 75 + 180 + 120 = 375.

Therefore, the integer that represents the amount of calories burned during Jonathan's workouts is 375.