Identify the capitalized word.

Frederick Bartholdi, THE SCULPTOR, came up with the concept of a "mighty woman with a torch" as he sailed into the harbor.

1. infinitive
2.appositive **
3 adverb phrase
4 adjective phrase

Identify the best choice for the capitalized phrase.

The huge state was shipped IN 214 SEPARATE CASES, the assembled in New York.

adverb phrase**
adjective phrase
appositive phrase

Identify the best choice for the capitalized word.

BOWLING is the top participation sport in the U.S. today, with 53 million players.

gerund **
present participle
participle phrase

Identify the best choice for the capitalized phrase

One form of bowling, FOUND IN SCOTLAND, involves heaving a ball at the pins and flopping down face forward.

gerund phrase
participial phrase**
adverb phrase
none of the above


Your answers are correct.

Yayyy and thank you

Yay! And you are welcome!

For the first question:

The capitalized word is "THE SCULPTOR". To identify its function, we need to analyze how it is used in the sentence. In this case, it provides additional information about Frederick Bartholdi, stating what he does.

From the given options, the term that best describes "THE SCULPTOR" is an appositive. An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or identifies another noun in the same sentence. In this case, "THE SCULPTOR" renames or identifies Frederick Bartholdi. Therefore, the correct answer is 2. appositive.

For the second question:

The capitalized phrase is "IN 214 SEPARATE CASES". To determine its function, we need to examine how it is used in the sentence. In this case, it describes how the huge state was shipped.

The best choice for the function of "IN 214 SEPARATE CASES" is an adverb phrase. An adverb phrase modifies or provides additional information about a verb, adjective, or adverb. In this case, "IN 214 SEPARATE CASES" modifies the verb "was shipped," providing information about how the state was shipped. Therefore, the correct answer is adverb phrase**.

For the third question:

The capitalized word is "BOWLING". To identify its function, we need to analyze its usage in the sentence. In this case, it refers to a sport or activity.

The best choice for the function of "BOWLING" is a gerund. A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun. In this case, "BOWLING" is the subject of the sentence and represents the sport. Therefore, the correct answer is gerund**.

For the fourth question:

The capitalized phrase is "FOUND IN SCOTLAND". To determine its function, we need to analyze how it is used in the sentence. In this case, it provides additional information about one form of bowling.

The best choice for the function of "FOUND IN SCOTLAND" is a participial phrase. A participial phrase consists of a participle (a verb ending in -ing or -ed) and its modifiers. In this case, "FOUND IN SCOTLAND" modifies "one form of bowling," providing information about where it is found. Therefore, the correct answer is participial phrase**.