1. which verb mood is used in the following sentence from the selection?

The movie was advertised as "full of adventure".

a. indicative
b. subjunctive
c. conditional
d. imperative

the right answer is indicitavie

a. indicative

To determine the verb mood used in the sentence "The movie was advertised as 'full of adventure'", we need to understand the different verb moods and examine the context.

1. Indicative mood: This mood is used to state facts or express certainty. It is typically used for statements of reality. For example: "The movie is full of adventure."

2. Subjunctive mood: This mood is used to express hypotheticals, wishes, possibilities, or demands that are contrary to reality. It often includes words like "if", "whether", or "would". For example: "I wish the movie were full of adventure."

3. Conditional mood: This mood is used to express actions that will only happen if certain conditions are met. It often includes words like "if" or "unless". For example: "If the movie is full of adventure, I will watch it."

4. Imperative mood: This mood is used to give commands or instructions. It often includes verbs in their base form without a subject. For example: "Advertise the movie as full of adventure!"

In the sentence "The movie was advertised as 'full of adventure'", the verb "advertised" is in the past tense and does not express a command, hypothetical, or condition. Therefore, the correct answer is a. indicative mood.


Which do you think?