Prove that tan(A+B+C) =(tan A + tan B tan C - tanAtanBtanC) ÷(1-tanAtanB-tanBtanC-tanAtanC)

To prove the given identity, we'll start with the left-hand side (LHS) and show that it is equal to the right-hand side (RHS).

First, let's express the LHS (tan(A + B + C)) in terms of sines and cosines:

LHS = tan(A + B + C)
= sin(A + B + C) / cos(A + B + C)

Next, let's use the addition formula for sine:

sin(A + B + C) = sin(A + (B + C))
= sin(A)cos(B + C) + cos(A)sin(B + C)

Using the addition formula for cosine:

cos(B + C) = cos(B)cos(C) - sin(B)sin(C)

Substituting this into the equation above:

sin(A + B + C) = sin(A)(cos(B)cos(C) - sin(B)sin(C)) + cos(A)sin(B + C)

Expanding further:

sin(A + B + C) = sin(A)cos(B)cos(C) - sin(A)sin(B)sin(C) + cos(A)sin(B)cos(C) + cos(A)sin(C)cos(B)

Using the addition formula again:

sin(B + C) = sin(B)cos(C) + cos(B)sin(C)

Replacing sin(B + C) with the equation above:

sin(A + B + C) = sin(A)cos(B)cos(C) - sin(A)sin(B)sin(C) + cos(A)sin(B)cos(C) + cos(A)(sin(B)cos(C) + cos(B)sin(C))

Rearranging and grouping terms:

sin(A + B + C) = sin(A)cos(B)cos(C) + cos(A)sin(B)cos(C) + sin(C)cos(A)cos(B) - sin(B)sin(C)sin(A)

Factoring out sin(C)cos(A)cos(B):

sin(A + B + C) = cos(A)cos(B)sin(C) + sin(A)cos(B)cos(C) - sin(B)sin(C)sin(A) + sin(C)cos(A)cos(B)

Using the commutative property of multiplication, we can rearrange the terms:

sin(A + B + C) = cos(A)cos(B)sin(C) + sin(A)cos(B)cos(C) + cos(A)sin(C)cos(B) - sin(B)sin(C)sin(A)

Now, let's divide both sides of the equation by cos(A + B + C) to obtain a tangent:

LHS = tan(A + B + C)
= sin(A)cos(B)sin(C) / cos(A)cos(B)sin(C) + sin(A)cos(B)cos(C) + cos(A)sin(C)cos(B) - sin(B)sin(C)sin(A)

Factoring out sin(A)sin(B)sin(C) from the numerator:

LHS = sin(A)sin(B)sin(C) / [cos(A)cos(B)sin(C) + sin(A)(cos(B)cos(C) + cos(A)sin(C)cos(B))] - sin(B)sin(C)sin(A)

Using the addition formula for tangent (tan(A + B) = (tan(A) + tan(B)) / (1 - tan(A)tan(B))):

LHS = tan(A + B + C)
= [tan(A) + tan(B)tan(C)] / [1 - tan(A)tan(B) - tan(B)tan(C) - tan(A)tan(C)]

Thus, we have proven that:

tan(A + B + C) = [tan(A) + tan(B)tan(C)] / [1 - tan(A)tan(B) - tan(B)tan(C) - tan(A)tan(C)]

This completes the proof.