A) Assume the mass of a pendulum is 3kg. Calculate the work done by the pendulum on the mass from 0 degrees to 180 degrees ( you will need to integrate with respects to d(theta ) instead of dx

given: the mass at the end of the string experiences a restoring force given by: F=-mgsin(theta) i
B) compare the work done in part A to the amount of potential energy given to the mass as it moves from 0 degrees to 180 degrees using mgh
I did not do this right but here is some of my work
A) -mgsin(0)
Integral sinx dx=-cosx + C
W=-58.8 J
B) I did this completely wrong
29.4sin(180) =0
Integrate: PE=3*9.8l(1-cos(180)
29.4sin(180)= 0 potential energy

A) To calculate the work done by the pendulum on the mass from 0 degrees to 180 degrees, we need to integrate the force function with respect to d(theta) instead of dx.

Mass of the pendulum (m) = 3 kg
Restoring force (F) = -mgsin(theta)

To find the work done, we'll integrate the force function from 0 degrees to 180 degrees.

∫(-mgsin(theta)) d(theta) from 0 to π

Work (W) = ∫(-3*9.8*sin(theta)) d(theta) from 0 to π

Integrating, we get:

W = [-3*9.8*cos(theta)] from 0 to π
W = -3*9.8*(cos(π) - cos(0))
W = -3*9.8*(-1 - 1)
W = -3*9.8*(-2)
W = 58.8 J

So, the work done by the pendulum on the mass from 0 degrees to 180 degrees is 58.8 Joules.

B) To compare the work done in part A to the amount of potential energy given to the mass as it moves from 0 degrees to 180 degrees, we'll use the formula for potential energy given by mgh.

Potential energy (PE) = mgh

Since the pendulum swings in a vertical plane, the height (h) is related to the displacement (d) by the equation h = L(1 - cos(theta)), where L is the length of the pendulum.

We'll integrate this equation to calculate the potential energy as the pendulum moves from 0 degrees to 180 degrees.

PE = ∫(3*9.8*L*(1 - cos(theta))) d(theta) from 0 to π

Integrating, we get:

PE = [3*9.8*L*(theta - sin(theta))] from 0 to π
PE = 3*9.8*L*(π - sin(π) - (0 - sin(0)))
PE = 3*9.8*L*(π - 0 - (0 - 0))
PE = 3*9.8*L*(π)
PE = 29.4*L*π

So, the potential energy given to the mass as it moves from 0 degrees to 180 degrees is 29.4*L*π.

Comparing the work done (58.8 J) to the potential energy (29.4*L*π), we see that the work done is twice the potential energy given to the mass.

To calculate the work done by the pendulum from 0 degrees to 180 degrees, you need to integrate the force equation with respect to d(theta). The force equation given is F = -mgsin(theta).

A) First, integrate the force equation with respect to d(theta):
∫F d(theta) = ∫(-mgsin(theta)) d(theta)

Since sin(theta) is the derivative of -cos(theta), the integral becomes:
∫F d(theta) = ∫mgd(cos(theta))

Integrating this, we get:
∫F d(theta) = mgcos(theta) + C

Now, substitute the limits of integration from 0 degrees to 180 degrees:
Work done = ∫F d(theta)|[0, 180] = mgcos(180) - mgcos(0) = -mg - mg = -2mg

Substituting the given values, where m = 3kg and g = 9.8 m/s^2:
Work done = -2(3kg)(9.8 m/s^2) = -58.8 J

Therefore, the work done by the pendulum on the mass from 0 degrees to 180 degrees is -58.8 J.

B) To compare the work done in part A to the amount of potential energy given to the mass as it moves from 0 degrees to 180 degrees using mgh, we need to calculate the potential energy.

The potential energy equation for a mass is given by PE = mgh, where h represents the height and is equal to L(1 - cos(theta)), and L is the length of the string.

Substitute the values for m = 3kg, g = 9.8 m/s^2, and L = (given value):
PE = 3kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * L * (1 - cos(180))

Since cos(180) = -1, we have:
PE = 3kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * L * (1 - (-1))
PE = 3 * 9.8 * L * (1 + 1)
PE = 58.8 * L

So, the potential energy for the mass as it moves from 0 degrees to 180 degrees is 58.8 times the length of the string (L).

Therefore, the work done in part A (-58.8 J) is the same as the potential energy (58.8 times the length of the string).