A river flows at the speed of v from west to east. How should a man who is at a point A of the southern bank of the river, which is d meters away from the river, and wants to reach a point B on the northern bank of the river, which is 2d meters away from the river, choose his path in order to reach the destination at the shortest time? Assume the width of the river to be d, the man to run at a speed of 3v and swim at the speed of v/3 in still water, and the points A and B on the same meridian.

To determine the shortest time for the man to reach point B on the northern bank of the river from point A on the southern bank, we need to analyze the options available.

First, let's consider the man swimming directly across the river. In still water, the man can swim at a speed of v/3. However, since the river is flowing from west to east at a speed of v, the effective speed of the man would be the vector sum of his swimming speed and the river's speed. The resultant speed would be given by the Pythagorean theorem:

Resultant speed = √[(v/3)^2 + v^2]

Next, let's consider the man running along the southern bank of the river. The man can run at a speed of 3v, which is faster than his swimming speed. Since the destination point B on the northern bank is twice the distance from the river compared to point A on the southern bank, running along the southern bank might be a better option.

To find the crossing point C that minimizes the time taken to reach point B, we can calculate the time taken to reach point B directly through swimming and compare it with the time taken to run to crossing point C and then swim to point B.

The time taken to reach point B directly through swimming is given by the formula:

Time_swimming = (2d) / (Resultant speed)

The time taken to run to crossing point C is given by the formula:

Time_running = d / (3v)

Then, the time taken to swim from crossing point C to point B is given by the formula:

Time_swimming_C_to_B = d / (v/3)

The total time taken to reach point B via crossing point C is:

Total time = Time_running + Time_swimming_C_to_B

To minimize the total time, we need to minimize the sum of Time_running and Time_swimming_C_to_B.

Compare the time taken for swimming directly to the time taken by running to the crossing point and then swimming further. If running and then swimming is faster, choose that path. Otherwise, select the path of swimming straight across the river.

Remember that this analysis assumes the man can cross the river at any point and that the river flow is constant. Variables such as the man's abilities, obstacles in the river, or changing current conditions should be taken into account while making a decision in practical situations.