Will terrorism become the accepted method of warfare in the future for the disenfranchised and alienated peoples?

Hmmm! My crystal ball is cloudy tonight so I can't foretell the future.

What do you think?

With the poliferation of military weapons available in the world, easily obtained, and the lack of charity to those different, it is a stark option to not to look forward to.

Your question reminds me of the hate that is carried by people over such insignificant things: Here, in Brownings poem ( I memorized this 55 years ago in high school), what if the the monk who is speaking this soliloquy had an assault weapon? https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/soliloquy-spanish-cloister

So goes hate and terrorists.

Thank you for the link bobpursley.

Predicting the future is inherently uncertain, and it is difficult to determine whether terrorism will become the accepted method of warfare in the future. However, I can offer you some insights and explain the factors that play a role in shaping such situations.

1. Root causes and grievances: Disenfranchisement and alienation can contribute to a sense of marginalization and frustration among certain groups. When people believe that their grievances are not being addressed through peaceful means, some may resort to terrorism as a means of expressing their dissatisfaction and seeking attention for their cause.

2. Political, social, and economic conditions: The political, social, and economic landscape of a given region or country greatly influences the chances of terrorism becoming a more accepted method of warfare. In environments with weak governance structures, limited rule of law, and economic disparities, extremist ideologies may find more fertile ground to take root.

3. Global counterterrorism efforts: International cooperation and counterterrorism measures play a significant role in deterring and combatting terrorism. Efforts focused on preventing radicalization, addressing the root causes of terrorism, and disrupting extremist networks can help to reduce the appeal and acceptance of terrorism as a method of warfare.

4. Evolving strategies and technologies: As technology advances, new methods of warfare and conflict emerge. It is conceivable that future conflicts may involve unconventional tactics, including cyber warfare, hybrid warfare, or even the use of emerging technologies like drones. These evolving strategies could potentially influence the methods employed by disenfranchised and alienated groups.

To gain a clearer understanding of the future, it is crucial to analyze these factors and closely monitor geopolitical dynamics, social trends, and policy developments. It requires multidisciplinary research, thoughtful analysis, and engagement with experts in the field of security studies, political science, and sociology.