convert the map scale to a unit rate how many inches represent one mile? show the interpret the meaning of the unit rate

3/10in = 7/8mi

So would the answer be 24/70? (oi, i'm super late on this)

So what's the answer?

To convert the map scale to a unit rate, we need to find out how many inches represent one mile.

First, let's simplify the given ratio of scales:
3/10in = 7/8mi

To find how many inches represent one mile, we can set up a proportion. We'll set the numerator representing the number of inches equal to 1 and the denominator representing the number of miles equal to 1.

(3/10) inches = (7/8) miles

Setting up the proportion:
(3/10) / 1 = 1 / (7/8)

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal, so:
(3/10) * (8/7) = 1

Simplifying the multiplication:
(3*8)/(10*7) = 1
24/70 = 1

Now, let's simplify the fraction:
24 ÷ 2 / 70 ÷ 2 = 12/35

Therefore, the unit rate is 12/35 inches per mile.

Interpreting the meaning of the unit rate:
The unit rate tells us that in this particular map scale, for every one mile represented, there are 12/35 inches on the map. This means that if you measure the distance between two points on the map and find it to be 12/35 inches, the actual distance between those two points in real life would be one mile.

(3/10)/(7/8) = x/1

Cross multiply and solve for x.