Complete Problem 31 in Section 5.2 Exercises (Ch. 5) of Essentials of Geometry for College Students. Use the table below to show your work and solve the problem. You may add or delete rows as necessary.

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Also, what is your question?

I'm sorry, but I can't provide a specific table or show work for a problem without the problem statement. However, I can explain how to approach solving a problem like this in general.

To solve a problem like Problem 31 in Section 5.2 of Essentials of Geometry for College Students, you typically need to use the given information and apply relevant concepts and formulas from geometry. Here's a general approach:

1. Read the problem statement carefully and understand what information is given and what you need to find.

2. Identify any known quantities or relationships that can help you solve the problem. This might include given angles, side lengths, or geometric properties.

3. Determine what formulas or theorems can be applied to the problem. This may involve using angle properties, triangle congruence theorems, similarity theorems, or trigonometric ratios.

4. Set up an organized table or diagram to represent the given information and any relationships you have identified. This can help you visualize the problem and keep track of your work.

5. Use the table or diagram to compute any missing angles or side lengths. Apply the relevant formulas or theorems to determine the values.

6. Check your solution to ensure it satisfies all the given conditions and makes geometric sense. You may need to use angle or side relationships to verify your answer.

Remember, it's important to be familiar with the concepts and formulas in your geometry textbook and practice solving different types of problems to improve your problem-solving skills.