given the scatterplot below,which of the following equations would best model the date?explain your choice.(1)y=-3x+6

(2)y=6(2)x (3)y=-4xsquared+20x+3

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To determine which equation best models the data, we need to assess the scatterplot and consider which equation aligns most closely with the trend of the data points.

The given equations are:
(1) y = -3x + 6
(2) y = 6(2)x
(3) y = -4x^2 + 20x + 3
(4) y = 2x^2 - 6x + 4

To assess the scatterplot, we need to determine if the data points follow a linear (straight line), quadratic (U-shape or inverted U-shape), or some other pattern.

Looking at equation (1) y = -3x + 6, this represents a linear equation in the form of y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. If the scatterplot displays a general trend that follows a straight line, equation (1) could be a good fit.

Equation (2) y = 6(2)x represents exponential growth, where the value of y increases rapidly as x increases. If the scatterplot displays an exponential growth pattern, equation (2) could be a suitable model.

Equation (3) y = -4x^2 + 20x + 3 represents a quadratic equation, where the value of y is influenced by the square of x. If the scatterplot shows a U-shape or an inverted U-shape, equation (3) may be a good choice.

Equation (4) y = 2x^2 - 6x + 4 is also a quadratic equation but in a different form. Similar to equation (3), if the scatterplot has a U-shape or an inverted U-shape, equation (4) could be a suitable model.

Based on the given information, we cannot definitively choose the best equation without examining the scatterplot itself. Please provide additional details or the scatterplot itself, and I will assist you in determining the most appropriate equation.