Which countries in south america have the highest literary rates?

I assume you mean literacy rates?



To find out which countries in South America have the highest literacy rates, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "literacy rates in South America" on a reliable search engine. This will provide you with a list of sources that provide information on literacy rates.

2. Look for reputable websites such as government sources, international organizations like UNESCO or World Bank, or official statistical agencies. These sources typically offer reliable and up-to-date information.

3. Access the official reports or publications related to literacy rates in South America. These documents often contain specific data on literacy rates for individual countries.

4. Look for the most recent data available, as literacy rates can change over time. Usually, the data will be in the form of a table or a graph, allowing you to compare the rates among different countries.

5. Identify the countries with the highest literacy rates. The websites or reports might provide rankings, or you can simply compare the percentages of literate population among the countries.

6. Note down the names of the countries with the highest literacy rates in South America.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the countries in South America with the highest literacy rates based on reliable and up-to-date sources.