Which of the following is true about los batidos?

a. they are unpopular in los estados unidos
b. they can only be made with milk***
c. they can be bought on most streets in the spanish-speaking world
d. they change name according to region

That answer was wrong:( The right answer was d.

Oops! The sources I saw all said it was a milk shake or smoothie.

Exactly, and smoothies don't need milk.

Ohh! I goofed. Sorry.

To find the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

a. they are unpopular in los estados unidos: To verify whether batidos are unpopular in the United States, you can conduct research by using search engines to look for articles, recipes, or discussions about batidos in the United States. You can also check if there are any specialized shops or restaurants known for selling batidos in the United States.

b. they can only be made with milk: To determine if batidos can only be made with milk, you can research traditional batido recipes from different Spanish-speaking countries. This will help you see if milk is a common ingredient or if other liquids are also used as a base.

c. they can be bought on most streets in the Spanish-speaking world: To confirm whether batidos can be bought on most streets in the Spanish-speaking world, you can search for information on street food culture in Spanish-speaking countries. Look for specific mentions or images of batidos being sold on the streets.

d. they change name according to region: To investigate if batidos change name according to the region, you can compare various Spanish-speaking countries and regions for different names used to refer to batidos. You can consult cultural references, language-specific forums, or even ask native speakers from different regions.

By researching and analyzing information on the internet, you can determine the validity of each statement and find the correct answer regarding batidos.
