The distance is 12.0 km and the time is 30 km/h.what is the velocity and what is the answerg? PLEASE HELP ME👩


To find the velocity, we need to divide the distance by the time. In this case, the distance is 12.0 km and the time is 30 km/h.

Velocity = Distance / Time

Velocity = 12.0 km / 30 km/h

To divide these values, we can simply divide the numbers:

Velocity = 0.4 hours or 24 minutes

So, the velocity is 0.4 hours or 24 minutes.

It's important to note that velocity is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (the numerical value) and direction. Since the problem only gives us the distance and the time, we can only determine the magnitude of the velocity (i.e., how fast something is moving), but not the direction.