Mia jogs 3 kilometers in 20 minutes. There are about 0.6 miles in a kilometer. What is Mia’s approximate speed in miles per minute?

3km/20min * 0.6mi/km = 0.09mi/min


To find Mia's approximate speed in miles per minute, we first need to convert the distance she jogged from kilometers to miles. We know that there are 0.6 miles in a kilometer.

So, to convert 3 kilometers to miles, we multiply it by the conversion factor:

3 kilometers * 0.6 miles/kilometer = 1.8 miles.

Now, we need to calculate the time it took for Mia to jog 1.8 miles. According to the given information, Mia jogged 3 kilometers in 20 minutes. Therefore, we can conclude that Mia's speed is constant.

Using this information, we can set up a proportion:

3 kilometers is to 20 minutes as 1.8 miles is to x minutes.

By cross-multiplying, we get:

3 * x = 1.8 * 20,

which simplifies to:

3x = 36.

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = 12.

Hence, Mia jogged at a speed of 1.8 miles in 12 minutes.

To find her speed in miles per minute, we divide the distance by the time:

1.8 miles / 12 minutes = 0.15 miles per minute.

Therefore, Mia's approximate speed in miles per minute is 0.15.


0.25 miles perminute

4 miles per minute